
ALBERT SAVINIO, FRANCESCO CLEMENTE, The Departure Of The Argonaut, Peterburg Press, 1986.


サヴィニオは巻末の Translator's Note を読んだら、なんと、あのキリコの兄弟じゃないですか。

本書から ALBERT SAVINIO のプロフィールを引用します。(行末不揃いはご勘弁ください)

ALBERT SAVINIO was born Andrea de Chirico at Athens on August 25, 1891. Following the death of his father, the family moved to Munich, where Savinio studied musical composition with Max Reger. At the age of seventeen Savinio wrote his first opera, Carmela. By 1909 he made his first visit to Paris, and in 1912 appeared in Appolinaire's revue "Les Soirées de Paris." At this time he met Piccaso, Picabia, Max Jacob, Brancusi, and others. He entered his paintings in the Salon d'Automne of 1912. Still known primarily as a composer, he began singing his compositions "Albert Savinio, Dionysiac Artisan." Both Savinio and his brother, Giorgio de Chirico, were inducted into the Italian army in 1915, and were stationed in Ferrara. It was there, awaiting mobilization, that Savinio and his brother helped found the Metaphysical school of painting, in close contact with Filippo De pisis, Carlo Carrà and Giorgio Morandi. In 1917 Savinio was sent to the Salonika front. The experiences surrounding this voyage are recounted in "The Departure Of The Argonaut." In 1926 he married the actress Maria Morino. Throughout his varied career, Savinio produced numerous novels, plays and stories, and continued to compose, paint and design for the stage. He died in Rome in 1952.
Hermaphrodito is a composite work made up of loosely joined poems, tales and theater pieces, in French and Italian.; here, the characteristic elements of Savinio's style were first developed in book form;" The Departure Of The Argonaut" is its final section, its lengthiest and most autobiographical. The original text provides no footnotes. Yet Savinio's use of foreign languages and Italian dialect and his literal and historical allusions are essential to an understanding of the structure and style of the work. While this translation remains faithful to the Italian edition, a familiarity with so many languages (and with Italian history) cannot be assumed on the part of the reader; some literal translations have been provided, and where Savinio has used English this too has been noted. Some additional literary and historical material has been deemed necessary, although in a work of this nature the potential for annotation approaches the infinite. I have used throughout the "Supercoralli"edition (1981) of Hermaphrodito, Giulio Einuadi editiore, Turin.

ところで国書刊行会のアンソロジー『書物の王国2 夢』所収の「「人生」という名の家」もおそらくそうなだろう。これはまだ未読なので近いうちにでも......。